Liv Equipt
Equipt Kids

Empowering Individuals
Providing personalized solutions for clients of all ages, Liv Equipt enhances daily living through customized Occupational Therapy Services,
Home Modifications, and Adaptive Living Solutions.
Who We Are
At Liv Equipt, we believe in living a purposeful and fulfilling life. Sometimes, due to life circumstances, what we want to do and what we are able to do no longer align. At Liv Equipt, we help you achieve your goals and get your life back, customized to your unique abilities. Whether home modifications, achieving or regaining life skills for independence, or fall prevention & wellness - Liv Equipt is here to equip you, so that you can truly live.
What We Do
Home Safety Assessments & Consulting
Improved Accessibility
Universal & Functional Design
Workers' Comp & Catastrophic injury
Aging in Place
Tailored Home Design
Concierge in-home Occupational Therapy
Life Skills & Self Care Training and Rehabilitation
Transfers & Mobility
Caregiver Education & Training
Assessments & Training for Adaptive Equipment
Fall Prevention & Wellness
Outpatient Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Fine Motor Skills Training
Sensory Processing
Behavior Regulation
Play/Social Skills
Motor Planning
Self Care Skills Training
School Readiness
Caregiver Education & Training
Assessments & Training for Adaptive Equipment
Consulting for in-home Sensory Rooms and Play Areas​
Home Assessment for improved Accessibility and Care

Who We Serve
Equipping Clients Across the Lifespan
We help Children & Adults with the following conditions:
Autism, Muscular dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, difficulty with coordination or fine motor skills, sensory processing & behavioral concerns
Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury,
Brain Injury, Parkinson's Disease,
ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, COPD, Congestive Heart Failure,
Muscle Weakness,
Difficulty with coordination, balance and
daily activities, orthopedic injuries, frequent falls
*This is not an exhaustive list, only frequent diagnoses/concerns.*
Use the link below to schedule a FREE 10 minute discovery call.

Serving Birmingham, AL and surrounding areas